Sarah Dayman | Flight Centre Independent | Home Based Travel Agent
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Sarah Dayman

905 570 7498

Sarah's Blog


Posted on: Tuesday January 31, 2017
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Travel Requirements: Things you should look at everytime you Travel


Sorry folks!  No pictures for this one.  Please read this!  There may be important information here that you don't know about!

There are so many small details, when it comes to travelling, that you should really touch on before actually getting on the plane.

Today I just want to go through a few of them to make you aware.
I am going to use our upcoming Trip to Colombia as an example because of all the steps we have had to take.

The first being the Government Travel Advisories.  The Government of Canada has a website that it publishes any concerns it has when it comes to Canadians that travel.  For someone who is travelling to Colombia, they would visit this page Canada Travel Advisory for Travel to Colombia.

At the top of the page you will notice the last time this was updated. This is very important to know if you have heard something in the news and it concerns you.  If the Govenrment feels that it is a concern, then it will update its advisories. 

Under the dates you can see that there are 7 tabs that cover pertinent information to your travel.
  • Advisories - This is the part that the Canadian Goverment will let you know if there are an Travel Advisories for travel to this country.  Read this very carefully!!  There may be advisories on only certain areas of the country and would not effect your travel.  Some advisories are standard for the type of country that you are travelling to.  *****Some Countries had travel advisories against travel to Canada when the protests happened in Caledonia ON in 2006.  The reason why I mention this situation is, that it was very close to home and we didn't consider it to be dangerous enough to deter any travellers from visiting Toronto.  Just because there is an advisory doesn't mean that you can't travel to that country.  Do some research and make an informed and educated decision****

  • Security - This is where a little more detail is provided about why there is an advisory in place and gives you an idea of what measures you should take for your own safety.

  • Entry/Exit Requirements - Very Important - This is where you find out if you need a visa or not and what the passport requirements are.  This is your responsibility to know this and if you don't have the required documentation, you will be denied boarding of your flight.  Some countries require that you have a Yellow Fever vaccination.  Read it carefully.

  • Health - What shots should I get?  This is where you find the answers to your questions.  It is really important that you visit your doctor 6 weeks before you leave.  There are some vaccinations that need multiple shots.  This takes time!

  • Laws & Cultures - This can give you an idea of any laws that you may not be accustomed to. It highlights things that you should be aware of.  It will also let you know what the local currency is and what currencies are accepted.

  • Natural Disasters & climate - Good information to know what to expect.

  • Assistance - Where to find the Canadian Consulates and Embassy while in destination.

If you need any clarification, ask your travel agent!  You would be amazed at what resources they have!

If you have medical questions, ask your doctor, only they know your medical background and what potential effects your travel will have on you physically.

If there are any countries that have advisories and you are not comfortable with travelling to them, ask me.  There are incredible Tour companies that can give you everything you need!  Security/Comfort/Peace of mind... and Incredible Experiences.

TIP - Start with a tour and end up on your own.  By the time you finish up the tour and had the influences of a local person, you will be much more comfortable navigating in the country and culture!

Here are links to Small Group Tour companies.  All of them have fantastic products and specialized areas.
Ask me if you are interested!


Intrepid Travel


On The Go Tours.

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